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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: War
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.25 USD; 1.50 CAD; 0.85 GBP
Cover Date: September 1992
Country: United States
Hawk and Lady Jaye are arranging transportation to get the Joes and themselves out of Borovia at a train station when a riot ensues. Hawk is accidentally mistaken for the former regime's secret police (currently in power) and is shot by rebels, and the White Clown and Magda help them to escape from the secret police. Meanwhile, as Firefly brainwashes the ninjas he captured, he learns the Pit III's location and attempts to sell it to the Commander, plotting global conquest inside the Cobra Consulate in New york, with his eye towards Eastern Europe and the former U.S.S.R. territories this time.

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