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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: War
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 2.05 CAD
Cover Date: October 1994
UPC: 75960602064515311
Country: United States
Cobra agent Knox creates a new B.A.T. android designed to be the ultimate killer. He decides to test it on Scarlett, to see if it is feasible enough to sell to Cobra Commander, after spotting her walking on the street. The B.A.T. almost defeats Scarlett, but she gains the upper hand when it sees a civilian named Brenda and mistakes her for Scarlett. While Brenda was at a construction site to visit her husband working there, Scarlett defeats the B.A.T just as it targets Brenda for termination. Brenda is ungrateful for her rescue by Scarlett, and Scarlett leaves with the destroyed android's head for the Joes to later study, as she ponders some alone time for her and Snake-Eyes.