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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: War
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 0.40 GBP; 0.95 CAD
Cover Date: November 1986
Country: United States
The Joe team undergoes an investigation for the Springfield attack by three top brass from the Pentagon alongside Hawk, Cobra infiltrates Ft. Wadsworth and launches an assault on the Pit. Flint has Lady Jaye go to the other Joes and warn them of the assault as Eels make it ashore. The Joe team defends the Pit on the outside from Cobra inside the motor pool that escapes, but the Pit is destroyed when explosives are set off, collapsing the Pit in on itself, trapping the Commander and Destro underneath. The surviving general then reinstates the Joes, telling Hawk his team is now a nomad unit.