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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: War
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.40 GBP
Cover Date: August 1987
Country: United States
In Utah, the Joes sit and stew about their captured comrades in Borovia, especially when Outback returns, and can't tell them what happened; the commotion causes Gung-Ho later to tell them to be quiet as they can hear the noise all the down on the third level(?). Billy continues his ninja training with the Blind master and Jinx as Raptor follows Jinx and Billy elsewhere after helping Fred bury the late Commander. Meanwhile, the captured Joes in Borovia are convicted of several trumped up crimes and sentenced to five consecutive life terms at a gulag for each member.

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