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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: War
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: September 1989
Country: United States
While Destro restructures the entire Cobra operation, Rock 'N Roll and Clutch try to escape from Cobra, but fail as the Dreadnoks recapture them and place them into the late Dr. Venom's Brainwave Scanner to become Cobra's mindwiped slaves. Meanwhile, Zanzibar is freed by Cobra lawyers and returns to Broca Beach. The Blind Master faces off vs. Zartan, who fails to see Jinx inside the Presidio, given she's up in the High Sierras alongside Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, and Storm Shadow, who face a threat from elsewhere, whom Stormy confronts alone. To be continued...