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Publisher: DC
Title: Girls' Romances
Page Count: 36
Genre: Romance
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1953
Country: United States
Diane wants to marry Edwin as soon as possible, but he asks her to wait until his brother Jerome returns from one of his far-flung adventures. When Jerome finally returns months later, he falls in love-at-first sight with Diane and she with him. Edwin generously steps aside. Jerome pursues an ordinary lifestyle, thinking it will please Diane. As time passes, Diane realizes she is not in love with the everyday Jerome, but with a romanticized image of him as a lusty world traveler and adventurer. She decides to end the relationship, but Edwin tells her Jerome has taken a job far from town. Edwin makes love to her. She realizes he is truly all she wants.; A florist becomes obsessed with a sexy young man who gazes in her shop window. She is convinced he is interested in her and begins to weave romantic fantasies about him. One day, he orders a bouquet, and, rather than sending a messenger boy to deliver the flowers, the florist delivers the bouquet herself. Alone with the young man in his apartment, she suddenly finds herself in his arms. He kisses her. A few days later, the young man enters the shop and advises the florist not to take the kiss seriously. He is engaged. He apologizes for his impulsive conduct, and leaves. She then begins weaving fantasies about a grey-eyed customer in the shop.; Following a two week courtship, Eve accepts Joel's offer of marriage. His ex-girlfriend Miriam makes herself very pleasant, even congratulating the two on their forthcoming nuptials and throwing a party in their honor. Eve suspects Miriam is playing the "good sport" in order to win Joel back and to garner sympathy from onlookers. She accuses Miriam of being a cunning, deceptive poor loser. Later, Joel reveals that Miriam's domineering selfishness forced him to end their relationship and to seek real love elsewhere. They renew their relationship.; Marjorie looks forward to marriage with Phillip. One day, she spots him on a street corner walking away with a strange woman. She cannot believe he is unfaithful and is sure there's a logical explanation for his behavior. That evening however, he remains silent and she grows anxious. She confronts him. He declares his love for her and says the other woman was only "a crazy, final fling". He begs her forgiveness. She readily grants it, tearfully falling into his arms.