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Publisher: DC
Title: Green Lantern
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.75 USD; 2.25 CAD; 1.00 GBP
Cover Date: October 1991
Country: United States
After receiving a vision of Alan Scott while in space, Guy finds Alan's children, Jade and Obsidian, and manages to insult them before being rescued by John Stewart. The pair meet up with Hal and Doiby and go to visit Alan's wife Molly (Harlequin) , where they find the visions are coming from a part of Alan's soul which resides in his power lantern.; While scouting for prospective members for the Green Lantern Corps, Hal visits the planet Myrs, where Alan Scott's old sidekick Doiby Dickles is king and has remade the planet to look and sound like old-time Brooklyn. A vision of the Alan Scott Green Lantern appears in the sky telling Hal to return to Earth.; The part of Alan that resides in the lantern takes the other three GLs back to ancient China where they learn the origin of the weakness to wood in his power, as opposed to yellow in theirs. They also find why the lantern is on Earth and why Alan didn't have any contact with the Guardians.; Frustrated by having to patrol Oa to keep the patchwork of cities and cultures from fighting each other, John Stewart receives a vision of the original Alan Scott Green Lantern that tells Stewart to return to Earth and look for him.; The GLs return to the present at Alan's house where Molly and Doiby are waiting. They discuss what they have learned then go their separate ways. Alan's whereabouts remain a mystery.