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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction, Science Fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1953
Country: United States
The horror-seeking eccentric Jasper Jennings records the sounds of dying men on his portable tape machine. A man covering up a crime drives Jennings insane by making him believe he's being haunted by the voices of the dead.; John Bowers finds a mirror that shows the future.; An actor wants to poison his rival, but he's tricked into confessing his plan.; Engineer Hank is radiated while working at the atomic plant and suffers from clairvoyant delusions of machines wanting to kill him.; Account of a séance swindle in New York.; Account of Miss Molly Fancher, who fell into a lifelong trance in 1866.