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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Detective-mystery, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1953
Country: United States
Alex Breska runs a diner and worships Egyptian death god Anubis in his back room. A trio of be-bop musicians annoys his ears. They come for breakfast and start pulling Breska’s leg. He warns them to play his Egyptian notes, because they will profane the holy music. The boppers start jamming, turn into mummies and die.; Jason Hawley wears the cursed Malayan "moonstone" to a Halloween party. A demonic figure appears, chases Hawley through the house, but falls to his death. It was Hawley's manservant Weems, trying to rob the precious jewel.; Ingenious doll maker Mr. Coner fabricates dolls of people who die shortly afterwards. Investigating lieutenant Farragut finally detects a pattern and arrests the doll maker.; Joe Palmer is the last survivor of a robbers' gang. When his boss' black cat Damascus starts killing off the jurors who sentenced him to death and comes for him, Palmer is frightened and tries to get rid of the beast. But bullets can't do no harm, because the police staged the whole affair - to make Palmer confess his crimes.; The tolling of bells keeps evil spirits away.; The "deathbone" curse of the Australian bushmen.; Superstitions explained.; The tree of Edgewell is connected to the lives of the Dalhousie clan.