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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Detective-mystery, Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1953
Country: United States
Professor Kley claims his ability to transform people into animals. He demonstrates so on a home stage. But a reporter and his fiancée investigate and discover a hoax.; A chemist dabbles with the powers of ancient alchemy and creates gold. There's a curse attached, however, and Corbin loses everything in the process.; Ward Creed killed a man to steal his precious pearls, but is haunted by the victim’s pet albatross Sinbad. The big bird keeps attacking Creed until he collapses and confesses to murder.; The murderer James Martin is pardoned because the electric chair is not functioning. Stepping outside he is killed accidentally by a ricocheting bullet.; A pilot sees the ghost of a friend who's been killed just the other day.; A sick person mustn't see himself in a mirror.