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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Detective-mystery, Drama, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction, Spy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1953
Country: United States
A crooked businessman tries to fool his partner by arranging for his brother's kidnapping.; Police detective lieutenant Hodges overcomes his superstitions. Having been shot, Hodges was convinced to be doomed, but pulls through in the hospital.; After having murdered the private detective Maxon, the gangster Nesbitt is followed by Maxon's bodiless shadow. He can't shake the crime re-enacting shadow of his victim and drives his car into a tree.; A gambler in Monaco meets a mysterious "Lady Luck" who lets him win all the time. It is, however, a set-up for international spies smuggling microfilms.; A take-off spot on an air field is supposed to be haunted.