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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1953
Country: United States
English horror actor Elliot Smathers fears to lose his mind. Is he really going on nightly killing sprees in his sleep? Or is it a scheme of his agent to drive him insane?; When Drew Wilson sees a strange man at his uncle's funeral, and again at the death of a boxer he realizes that Death itself has been stalking him.; Jennie discovers that the junk lamp that her husband brought home is really a magic lamp that can make her the richest woman in the world.; The madwoman Eliza Jason goes around putting hexes on people. Her husband Joad collects money to make the curses go away. Finally district attorney Clark starts investigating and exposes the Jasons for extortion. Now he feels a hex on him.; In France, judge Berard dreams of a man's murder.; Archduke Francis Ferdinand was killed in a red touring car in Sarajevo in 1914. Many other people found their untimely deaths while owning that car.