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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1954
Country: United States
Special effects engineer Raymond Danner is supposed to die at the hands of a rival. But Danner uses some of his tricks to play dead and find his rival guilty.; A millionaire is going to be robbed of his money. His secretary stages a hustle involving a treasure map, a fountain of youth, a hidden island plus natives let in on the plot, special make-up effects and false diamonds.; Newspaper reporter Mark Ransom is convinced to be the reincarnation of Roman general Marcellus. Traveling to Italy he discovers the place where Marcellus died. Ransom is killed by the falling statue of his ancient rival.; Two mountaineers try to climb the haunted Mount Taroo. One of them goes insane.; Art painter Jack Simmons predicts death in his pictures.; A phantom ghost occupies a bed in a Brooklyn boarding house.