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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1954
Country: United States
An allegedly magic mask prevents those who wear it from harm. When two thugs steal it and perform a bank robbery, the joke is on them.; Two French noblemen duel themselves over a period of weeks. One manipulates the pistol of the other, but the plan backfires.; Asa Hartley builds a loony-looking house to ruin the neighborhood, becausee the townsfolk drove off his father. The police chief, however, digs deeper and uncovers a crime committed years ago.; Jane Howard, newspaperwoman, remembers her encounter with Joe Kerr, the gambler who was searching frantically for a special “joker” card. Kerr was killed in the process, a victim of his own greed.