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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 44
Genre: Crime, Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1952
Country: United States
Paul and Helen Morris win a house on the Mexican border which is said to be haunted. Three men died there, and nightly spooks keep running through the cellar. Turns out that illegal aliens are smuggled through the house into US territory.; Ventriloquist James Lang murders his colleague Wendell and steals his puppet "Blockhead". He manages to be successful, until Blockhead starts talking and revealing the murder of his former puppeteer.; Mary Stokes suffers from bouts of madness. Her husband and her doctor surprise her with weird tricks to shock her back to sanity.; A party of explorers opens up an Egyptian tomb and is hit by a curse of death and madness. Professor Sutton, however, has been manipulating events for his own financial benefit.; A wheat fungus makes a French woman fantasize about demons.; Two painters separately paint the same picture.; Account of haunted landscapes.