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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1954
Country: United States
An inventor of household appliances is being tricked by his business partner. With the help of magnets he creates the illusion that the machines are attacking its creator.; By twisting the words “Great Scott!” into “Sceat Grott!”, Carl Griffin wins command over a demon-like creature. The creature does his every bidding and kills his rival, Frank Carter, for him. The blame falls on Griffin, though, who fails to call his demon to help – because he forgets the magic words all of a sudden.; Tourists enter a castle and find the diary of a sorcerer. Flashback to the middle ages and the tale of a young man learning the ropes from his master. One day, though, he wants to quit, but the master won’t let him. The man’s wife advises her husband to use his magic power to overcome his master.