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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1954
Country: United States
A pair of magic gloves prevents its wearer from any harm. A gang robs a safe, using the gloves as protection against the cops’ bullets.; A herbal potion stolen from the Peruvian temple of Cibola bestows the gift of invisibility. Two gangsters use it to rob a bank. One, however, spills the back-to-visibility potion over the loot and is caught, while his partner is now doomed to be invisible for the rest of his life.; Joe Dillon lets an evil doctor operate on him, but wakes up a disfigured person with superhuman strength.; Captain Barney joins the hunt for the “sea piper”, a flute-playing phantom who lures ships to their doom on moonlit nights. Barney uncovers the phantom as a hoax, making clever us of sea drifts and abysmal music.