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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1955
Country: United States
American native Charlie Whitehorse of Sioux descent feels compelled to battle a Crow warrior – as their forefathers decreed a hundred years ago. Their duel to the death in a nightly baseball stadium ends with the burying of the war-axe.; Dr. Clay claims to be able to transform any living matter back into a primordial fish-like state. Two cops come searching his house for escaped convict Bolton. They are made to believe that Bolton swims around as a fish now in Clay’s big aquarium tank.; In a reconstructed New England fishing village strange things are happening. Wagons, boats and statues begin to stir like being moved by magic. Behind all this is a clever newspaperman cashing in on the phenomenon. The town sheriff, however, can call the bluff.; Beautiful, orphaned Amy Leaf comes under custody of her uncle. He forces her to dress as plainly as possible and hide her beauty. Uncle tells her gruesome family history tales and manipulates the world around Amy to play dead when she passes in make-up.