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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Humor, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1955
Country: United States
Wearing polka-dot kerchiefs around your neck will bring you bad luck. One business partner kills the other, framing this made-up superstition jinx for it.; Ray James thinks his neighbor Meeker has constructed a machine that turns metal into gold overnight. James murders the old inventor in his sleep – only to find out that the machine never worked.; Adventurer Bart Madden leaves a trail of bodies to get his hands on a sunken pirate treasure. Too bad the island natives don’t take friendly to his actions.; Scotch millionaire McNally gets murdered. His best friend Duncan frames the former’s cousin by making the ghost of the castle appear as a witness. It is all a trick to hide Duncan's own guilt.