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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Detective-mystery, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1952
Country: United States
The sculptor Dwight Courtney models a bust of a black sorcerer from the past. He seems to gain uncanny abilities: Whatever he makes is destroyed in real life. After the death of three of his colleagues, Courtney investigates the strange accidents.; George Karyl kills his client John Putnam and hides the body but the lines on his palm begin to form a hangman's noose.; Arthur Drake gets addicted to casino gambling in Naples, Italy. He signs a pact with the devil and now wins every time he gambles. Satan, however, is an impostor and casino owner who steals Drake's identity to continue his life in the US.; A medium and her aide stage elaborate seances and incorporate the dead very convincingly. The racket is brought down by frightening the ghost impersonators with a ghost impersonation.; Account of a vagrant who called herself "Caraboo".; An Ouija board dictates poetry.