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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Historical, Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1952
Country: United States
A newspaper reporter first falls for the story he is told by Alger Denham, a man seemingly possessed by ingenious abilities. Then he uncovers a plot to murder his uncle behind it.; Peppi and Paul Belinda are Siamese twins working as a high wire act in the circus. When they are surgically separated, they keep sharing mind control and start a criminal career as robbers.; A group of tourists in Rio de Janeiro dons native devil masks for a parade. One of them, Peter Brent, wants to harm a friend of his, but is hit by a curse before he can accomplish his evil plan.; The killer "angel face" Finny hides as dummy in a wax museum.; The painter Rossetti unknowingly recreates a painting which had been done 400 years before him.; French actess Clairon breaks the heart of a man and is haunted by his voice for two years.; Account of New Year's Day customs.