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Publisher: Archie
Title: Jughead with Archie Digest
Page Count: 100
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 1.65 CAD
Cover Date: November 1993
Country: United States
Reggie schemes to beat Archie's team in a sailboat race.; Jughead is trying to get Archie to concentrate on winning the surfing contest, but all the beach bunnies keep distracting him.; A talent agent is in town looking for talented pets so Archie borrows Hot Dog to try to make some fast cash.; Jughead is on a diet because he thinks all the eating is what is causing him to sleep all day.; When Archie saves Waldo from being hit by a branch, Waldo grants Archie free wishes.; Archie and Jughead stay out too late bowling and have to sneak into their houses without waking their parents.; Archie and Jughead think Betty and Veronica are strange for shopping for winter coats in the middle of the summer.; Jughead's childhood friend Joani has moved back to town and Jughead takes a job to make some money to take her to supper.; Archie uses a metal detector at the beach to find lost items.; Archie, Betty, and Jughead take over the Chock'lit Shop while Pop takes a vacation.; Archie tries to keep everyone quiet, but no one knows why until a policeman yells at them for making noise in front of a hospital quiet zone.; Archie buys the only boat he can afford.; Reggie asks a girl to take his picture.; Mr. Weatherbee discovers who ate the blueberry pie.; Jughead and Reggie are going to play a ping-pong match for a dozen hamburgers.; Veronica gets some juicy gossip; Archie and Veronica at the beach; Leroy spies on Archie and Veronica.; Reggie hopes Archie doesn't lie to the girls; Reggie never wears a hat; Archie makes Reggie storm off.; Archie won't loan Jughead money for a burger while he is playing baseball.; Moose wins ten free dance lessons.; Dilton discovers a fruit bowl, a 12 inch ruler and a baseball bat.; Jughead falls in the water while fishing.; It won't cost Archie much to rent a horse since he can't stay on it for more than three seconds.; Jughead tries to explain to Shirley why he didn't show up for their date.; Archie is absent-minded while playing golf.; Archie and Reggie wait until the unknown girls pay their check before they try to meet them.; Archie has good news and bad news for Mr. Lodge.; Moose's car needs tuned up.; Archie and Jughead play basketball against giants.; Hot Dog gets Jughead a birthday card.; Dilton asks Reggie what his secret is to attracting the girls.; Reggie's cake mix is too watery.