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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Jungle Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Historical, Jungle
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1953
Country: United States
A trio of big game hunters are slaughter drugged animals in order to capture the kill on film and enhance their reputations. Kaänga puts a stop to their hunts by stampeding Marmo's herd over them, killing them.; Treasure hunters capture and torture Abdola, but he refuses to reveal the location of Tiger Girl's secret temple. However, the thieves drug one of her tigers and follow it as it staggers back to the temple. There they attempt to find the treasure but are killed when Tiger Girl topples the idol of Kahiva on them.; The queen of a vulture cult attempts to force the artists of the Bushangos to created vulture fetishes for her. Objecting that such objects were evil, the Bushangos refused. The queen placed a curse on them and then attempted to kill them, but they were protected by the eagle spirit of a magic tree.; Jim tells a story about the faithfulness of elephants.; A fictionalized account of the Haiti slave rebellion of 1794.