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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Jungle Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Animal, Jungle, Non-fiction, Science Fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD; 0.15 CAD
Cover Date: January 1941
Country: United States
DeMoire, a mad scientist concocts a potion that turns human beings into super-strong monsters under his control. DeMoire unleashes one of these monsters which turns on him and kills him. The monsters is tricked by Kaänga into a tiger trap where Kaänga and Ann bury him alive.; Mad scientist Varno attempts to take control of an African oil field.; In order to mine gold, the Japanese army dams the river and creates a drought in the jungle. Wambi and his animal friends unleash a torrent above the Japanese camp and wash them away.; Zira, a sorceress, kidnaps Champion and as ransom, demands all of Camilla's magic. Camilla offers to make Zira beautiful if she will release Champion. Zira agrees but attempts to keep Champion despite her promise. As Camilla and Zira begin to fight, Champion slays Zira.; When the tiger-women known as the Vahines invade the jungle bent on destroying all the other women in the world, Fantomah causes the animals to rise up and stop them. She then imprisons them in a giant moonstone and sends it crashing into Mars.; Anderson is made a god by a tribe and then leads them into battle.; Roy prevents a Nazi inspired tribal war.; A Nazi invasion of the Panther's jungle is thwarted by the Panther and his native allies.; Simba impresses a pair of hunters with his courage and tactics and, in the end, they refuse to shoot him.; A brief history of indigenous bows.