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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Jungle Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Animal, Fantasy, Jungle, Nature, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1941
Country: United States
Zuko, owner of artificial wings that allow him to fly, agrees to rid the jungle of Kaänga in return for diamonds.; Wambi and his jungle friends free a village from slavers.; A young glamour girl crash lands on a volcanic island. Tabu comes to rescue her, but both are captured by some warriors from the "smoking mountain" who plan on sacrificing them to the volcano. Tabu uses his magic and causes the volcano to erupt and kill the natives.; Anderson gets rich in diamonds and decides to go to America, but he is dissuaded when his passenger liner is attacked by airplanes.; Roy helps a tribe rescue their chief and his sons, kidnapped by a white adventurer.; Fantomah is accused of poisoning a native village. Her investigation reveals that their water originates in a mountain stream that is contaminated by a dead mammoth. She uses her magic to cure the villagers and they seek a new water source.; Simba is captured by hunters but manages to save them from a cheetah. He then leads them to a village where a white woman is held captive.; Camilla and Eric seeks a buried treasure, while the Ragnor plots their murder.; The Panther rescues a chief and his sons from white kidnappers.; Brief natural histories of the honey guide, the dog-faced baboon, and the hissing tree.