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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 84
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: September 1968
Country: United States
Carthan, banished from his homeworld Dryanna to Earth by his ruler Xandor, attempts to contact the Justice League for help but cannot do so directly. He activates three machines of destruction that hold him to Earth and takes Green Arrow hostage, hoping that the Justice League can deactivate the machines and free him.; The Justice League unanimously elects The Atom for membership, but nobody knows who he is. The Power Ring tells them about The Atom, and they go to investigate in Ivy Town. Shortly, Atom gets amnesia, the work of Mister Memory and his de-memonitor, who has captured the entire Justice League, leaving Atom the only one who can save them.; Hawkman's first case as a member of the Justice League involves low-level crook Joe Parry who has come into possession of an alien machine with which he creates three different threats against the JLA.