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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 68
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: September 1970
Country: United States
Felix Faust learns that the Demons Three--Abnegezar, Rath, and Ghast--can only be freed from a spell involving the Red Jar of Calythos, the Green Bell of Uthool, and the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath, which were hidden long ago by their jailers, the Timeless Ones. Meanwhile, the Lord of Time unleashes warriors of the past and future on the present to steal for him. As the League tries to stop him, they disappear one by one and find themselves under the control of Felix Faust, who orders them to retrieve the items needed to free the Demons Three.; The League chases the Lord of Time into the future, but when they try to return, they find themselves unable to go anywhere earlier than 2062.; The thirtieth-century Knights of the Galaxy are replaced by their sixth-century counterparts from King Arthur's Camelot, who must fight an armada of space brigands under the command of Zal-Du.

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