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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 100
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD
Cover Date: May 1974
Country: United States
Brain Storm gathers the JLA as witnesses to his execution of Green Lantern for the murder of his brother.; Master criminal Libra gathers six super-villains to use as pawns against the Justice League, stealing half of each of the heroes' powers during the battles he has engineered.; Led by Falseface, the Black Star's criminal gang strikes at many areas of the city of New Orleans during Mardi Gras.; Captain Bigg, dressed as Santa Claus, and the rest of his men take on the guise of pirates in order to raid luxurious yachts and plunder their loot!; The Hopper and his men target Pleasure City, "home" of an eccentric millionaire named Coburn, who lives in the Castle of Fear at the fair grounds.; When Pat Dugan spies five well-known criminals dressed as policemen, it piques the interest of the Star-Spangled Kid, who calls the Seven Soldiers of Victory to investigate. They discover, from a piece of film, that the Black Star is using those felons to commit crimes on a national basis.

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