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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: November 1975
Country: United States
As the JLA battle both Cary Bates (as a villain brainwashed by the Wizard) and the Injustice Society (IJS), they are slowly defeated due to the subconscious memories of the JLA defeating the JSA earlier (disguised as IJS members). The Spectre saves the day, however when he asks God to restore the JSA to life using his ring of life's powers, which is granted, as well as Maggin egging Bates on to defeat verbally. The IJS is then defeated by both the JLA and JSA, and Bates and Maggin are returned to Earth-Prime, with no memories of what happened before (The Spectre wiping their memories clean of the adventure), back to the beginning of this story: what is the JLA's next story to be penned while in Editor Julie Schwartz's office.

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