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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 76
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: November 1981
Country: United States
When the seven meteors are brought together, the seven aliens of Appellax are reborn in their cloned battle forms. Seeing them reborn restores the memories of the Justice League's founding members, but the aliens quickly defeat the heroes. The newer members find the older ones and all join forces to defeat the rampaging aliens.; As Firestorm sits bored during monitor duty, the satellite is invaded by the Martian Manhunter, who is after an Appellax meteor. After he is easily defeated by the Manhunter, Firestorm calls in the other members of the League. The gathered heroes quickly realize that none of the founding members answered the alert and Geen Arrow figures out why: they are gathering up the seven meteors from Appellax from the JLA's first case. The new members then split up, each determined to stop one of the founding members.; The Red Tornado tracks down Aquaman and almost stops him from retrieving the meteor. But during the battle, the Phantom Stranger intervenes to ensure Aquaman's success.; Zatanna locates Wonder Woman at Paradise Island, but is unable to stop the Amazon Princess from retrieving the Appellax meteor.; The Atom travels to Zimbabwe to stop Green Lantern from gathering another Appellax meteor, but is unsuccessful.; The Flash easily defeats the Elongated Man, gathers his Appellax meteor and returns to the Justice League's original headquarters where the other founding members are waiting. They discover the headquarters in ruins and have no memories of anything after their first adventure together as a team.; Batman outsmarts both Green Arrow and Black Canary and takes the Appellax meteor. Both teams meet in their respective headquarters wondering what will happen when the seventh meteor in found.; Hawkman stops two Superman robots from getting the Appellax meteor, but can't stop the real Superman from getting it. As Hawkman drifts into space unconscious, he is mysteriously teleported away.; A recap of the origin of the Justice League of America.; The final two aliens are quickly defeated by the team of Atom, Firestom, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. The Justice League then gathers up the remains of all the alien clones and the meteors, sending them into the sun to be destroyed. J'Onn and Snapper return to their lives and Green Arrow decides to rejoin the Justice League.; Where individual efforts against the aliens previously failed, teamwork proves to be the key to victory for the Justice League.; Flash and Aquaman defeat the Glass Man, while Red Tornado and Elongated Man put out the Fire-Lord.

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