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Publisher: Kenzer and Company
Title: Knights of the Dinner Table
Page Count: 92
Genre: Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: December 2002
Country: United States
Bob's character sucker punches a high priest which leads to a series of funny consequences for the role-playing group.; The Black Hands adventuring group has a long night when Gordo has to fight his double, and neither character can score a hit.; Bob Herzog's character is spending all this time working on his business and has no time for the rest of his adventuring buddies.; The role-playing group role-play their way thru a large dinner party that their characters have thrown.; Players shouldn't be allowed to read the monster manuals.; A player in a science fiction role playing group comes up with a novel solution to an attack on the party.; Brian is forced to work with B.A. against the rest of the gaming group.; Two warring races are united in an unusual way.

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