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Publisher: Kenzer and Company
Title: Knights of the Dinner Table
Page Count: 92
Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: January 2003
UPC: 60625600900475
Country: United States
The gang role-plays a brawl in which 3 of their 4 characters are arrested by the city guards.; Pete and Stevil convince Newt to borrow a large amount of gold pieces from their characters.; Bob must come up with a fake illness so he can call in sick so the group can continue their gaming session.; The Captain and Doc run into trouble during a survey mission.; The gamers attempt to have their characters escape from jail.; Bob's character manages to get himself killed and the rest of the party sneaks away without helping.; The characters role-play a science fiction scenario.; The adventurers destroy a kraken.; The group discusses their entry in the local robot rally.