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Publisher: Kenzer and Company
Title: Knights of the Dinner Table
Page Count: 100
Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2003
UPC: 60625600900676
Country: United States
Newt's new character joins the group in a dungeon expedition.; Mother Earth sends an Earth Elemental to wreck vengeance on mankind but are stopped by the Heroes of HackLeague.; The group's characters are taken for sentencing for various crimes. The players believe that the Game Master is gunning for their characters.; Two of the group discuss their new role-playing characters.; The Captain and Doc are held in a cell while their crew travels to their rescue.; Brian's character tries to argue the groups way out of murder charges but succeeds only in getting them imprisoned in the Borax Mines of Flindeleeze.; Three of the four members of the party are mutated by cosmic rays.; Newt borrows the money to train his character from the other group members, using his magic items as collateral.; Sarah is game-master but the guys insist on killing townfolk instead of adventuring.; An adventuring party prepares to enter the Cave of Doom looking for the Scroll of Amil-Da.