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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.25 USD
Cover Date: June 1984
UPC: 0709893323006
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "The Right Stuff," the tory of how the United States space program got off the ground in spite of itself is told.; In a parody of the TV series "After M*A*S*H*," three Korean War vets have trouble settling into life at a wacky stateside hospital.; The humorous aspects of movies, school, shopping, insomnia, convertible sofas, worry, job hunting, the law, mothers, the blues, appreciation, computers, salaries, and empathy.; Explanation of how to cope with the defects of your new car.; Awards for less-than-desirable behavior by teachers.; How different regions of the world react to a given circumstance.; Catalog of merchandise demographically aimed at gangsters.; Examples of commonplace exaggerations.; Examples of how circumstances can change your perception of the passage of time.; A woman christening a ship hits it a little too hard.; An entrepreneur takes advantage of a potential suicide situation.; The Black Spy tries to steal a bag of secrets from The White Spy's window.; Two gangsters toss a victim into the water.; A princess kisses a frog.