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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 60
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2008
Country: United States
Unusual causes of death and things that can go wrong when you try to cheat death.; Monroe's grandfather destroys everything in the house that was made in China, including Monroe's childhood toys, after hearing about a product recall.; The Fantabulaman strip tells his origin, revealing his given name.; Parody of tv show, showing wilderness survival skills (mis)applied to a shopping mall.; Various short satires of pop culture.; Stills from the tv show "Kid Nation" with fake dialog.; Parody of President Bush's final State of The Union address, noting supposed highlights of his presidency.; The Black Spy fools the White Spy into thinking he can follow him into the air by filling helium ballons from a tank that is actually an H-bomb.; More stupid answers to stupid questions.; Things that might happen if the obese used their weight and size to make life miserable for others.; Thoughts on what the presidential candidates would say if they had a few too many beers with you.