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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 60
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 5.99 USD
Cover Date: February 2011
Country: United States
A collection of and parodies of the year's big news and entertainment stories. Parodies of "Creature From The Black Lagoon" movie, the "Wimpy Kid" books, "Despicable Me" movie, "Absolut Vodka" ads, "Eat, Pray, Love" book, "The Expendables" movie, "The Cleveland Show" TV show, "Bodies...The Exhibition" museum exhibit, "Jaws" movie, "The Audacity of Hope" book, Lady Gaga's meat dress, "Snakes On A Plane" movie, "Car And Driver" magazine, the 10 Commandments, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" book, and the "Teen Titans" comic book are used.; Parody of the next-to-last Harry Potter movie, with a bunch of other magical characters tossed in, and complete with a cliff-hanger ending.; Various short satires of pop culture.; Things that can go wrong when you have multiple children, or multiple adults.; A collection of comic strips.; In the first story, the Black Spy hides a homing device in the White Spy's shirt then fires a missile at him, but the White Spy has relocated the homing device. In the second story, the White Spy attacks the Black Spy with a knife, but the Black Spy has a gun.; A disgusting look at the reported bedbug infestation.