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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Military, Satire-parody
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: September 1967
Country: United States
In a parody of the TV series "The Iron Horse," a shady womanizer wins a railroad in a crooked poker game and attempts to complete construction of the line in spite of interference from interested opponents and his own ineptitude.; Add-on devices for the auto designed to counteract driver's bad habits.; The trials and pitfalls of teenage romance.; A niche magazine making everyday occurrences seem like harrowing adventures.; Nursery rhymes written in the style of William Shakespeare, Ogden Nash, Rudyard Kipling, Carl Sandberg and others.; Parody of the film "Dr. Zhivago": A pompous doctor and his bimbo nurse get involved in the Russian Revolution.; In a parody of the film "Blowup," a self-important fashion photographer bounces from woman to woman, never finding self-satisfaction.; A fill-in-the-blank newspaper story concerning the Vietnam War.; In a parody of the film "Is Paris Burning?," a Frenchman lobbies the Allied forces to oust the Germans from France.; A teacher introduces his students to an electric fan.; The Black Spy tries to stab the White Spy in his sleep.; Two cavemen fight over a woman.; The Black Spy steals an important valise from the White Spy.; Two South American explorers taste what they think is soup.; Beetle has little confidence in the new Inspector General.