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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: July 1968
Country: United States
The first pages of features previously rejected by the editors.; Parody of the film "Cool Hand Luke"; a disaffected man ends up in a southern chain gang where he rebels against everything and everybody.; Examples of how life conspires to ruin your day.; The trials and tribulations of driving.; Mother's Day cards from various historical figures to their mothers.; A satirical look at the inner workings of your local postal station.; A sporting festival with events geared to familiar political acts.; A man and a woman strolling down the street notice businesses with descriptive street signs.; Examples of dreams of show business stardom that didn't quite pan out.; A surfer proves to be more graceful on the water than out of it.; The Cinderella story is updated for the sixties.