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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Mystery Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Detective-mystery, Jungle, Non-fiction, Superhero, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1940
Country: United States
Embittered when the Police Commissioner calls Torch afraid for not bringing in the Sub-Mariner as he promised, the Torch and Betty track down Namor and a battle royal begins that ends with the Fiery Fury being captured by Namor in an airless glass tube.; Ka-Zar helps a young girl make her way back to her father, having to evade attacks by a tribe of wild Wabis.; The Angel becomes involved in a situation in which towns people believe that a vampire is at work, when all along it is a mad scientist, who desires to transplant the brain of a young woman into a gorilla.; The Raider involves himself in a case wherein gold shipments from a mining camp have been waylaid, then end up being turned into the local assay office for cash payment.; Electro and the Professor are taken to the planel Ligra, where they are forced to engage in battle against Queen Nara.; Ferret must act quickly against a gang of crooks who are waging a vicious campaign against Stacey Cleaners.; This fact featurette features creatures that provide as much drama and adventures as do crooks in the real world, creatures such as the shrimp, long-legged crabs and the octopus.