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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Mystery Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Detective-mystery, Jungle, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1941
Country: United States
The small European nation of Alslavia appeals to Torch and Toro for aid against the Nazis. On arrival, they encounter the Nazi invasion wall, a large armored wall mounted on tank treads. After destroying the wall the Torches head out to sea and they spot a Nazi sub, but when they investigate, they determine that there is no one aboard. Diving down below, they discover a terrifying Nazi undersea fortress lying in wait for the British and Alslavian cruisers sent out to sink the sub. Torch destroys the fortress and all aboard her perish.; While passing through a small mid-western town, Namor muses over how to stop the subversive activities of the Nazis, and develops a special miniature field car, somewhat along the lines of one developed by the Army -- but with some novel twists -- that he uses to battle the Nazis.; The Angel investigates a bizarre case in which a grotesque, wild-eyed man crashes into an operating room and prevents the surgeons from saving the life of a judge.; Terry tackles the case of jewel robberies by a person known as the Phantom Robber, and discovers that the thefts occur in towns being visited by the circus.; Ka-Zar battles the Nazis who are using a chemical spray to kill off the vegetation in the jungle, and who hope, along with the Italians, to establish a post in, and eventually control, Central Africa.; The Vision embarks on the task of saving the lives of the crew of the U.S.S. Olympus which vanished in Antarctica.; The Patriot battles a Nazi saboteur who has the intention of stalling production of a new, streamlined tank.