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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1952
Country: United States
A mobster gets on a bus during a rainy night that has no other riders in order to track down one of his former boys who took it on the lam. Suddenly a strange old man appears beside him and offers to tell him a story. He foretells the mobster's death at the hand of the younger man as they struggle for the mobster's gun, but the criminal does not heed the prophecy and gets off the bus to meet with his appointed destiny.; A man visits a convicted killer in jail and offers to sell him a pill for five hundred dollars that will make him appear dead in order to cheat the electric chair. Once he has been buried, he will dig him up. The killer agrees, but has no money, so he extorts it out of his brother. He takes the pill and it works, but instead of taking him to the morgue, the police wheel him into a group of medical students with scalpels. It turns out his brother sold his body to dissection study for five hundred dollars.; An abusive wife pushes her husband past his breaking point.; A ventriloquist's dummy is actually alive and becomes a rival for his girlfriend's affections.; A greedy landlord torches his building to collect the insurance but forgets one little detail in his plan.