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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Tales
Page Count: 36
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1953
Country: United States
A newspaper magnate wishes to build a private rocket to the moon in order to secure mineral rights so he spreads tales of the moon being the source of werewolves to get public pressure hindering the government's moon effort. It works, but when he arrives on the moon, he finds that everything he thought was a lie was in fact true.; A couple come up with a fraud scheme to collect a life insurance policy during a typhoid outbreak and then actually encounter a carrier on the train they are leaving town on in order to spend the money in another state.; A scientist gives the world a serum which grants immortal life, but without the fear of death, atomic war breaks out and ruins civilization.; A magician threatens the life of a fakir unless he reveals his levitation trick so he gives him the magic word to rise but doesn't tell him the word to descend.; This time, Noah and his space ark leave Earth because of a protracted drought.