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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Tales
Page Count: 36
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1956
Country: United States
A prospector returns for the man who staked his expedition when he finds a city of marble and gold, but the man thinks his tales are the result of sunstroke and doesn't believe him, until he sees photographic proof, and then he spends years in the wild attempting to find the prospector and the golden city.; A woman has a premonition that her pilot husband is going to crash, but despite several of her dream details matching reality, he lands safely.; An employee finds that by turning the hands of his factory's time clock he can enter the time dimension where no one is aware of his presence.; Castaways attempt to subdue one of their number whom they feel has cracked from the strain of island living.; In the year 2095 an immortality serum is developed and stolen by a ruthless man. He is pursued off planet by the authorities but then his rocket runs out of fuel on a lifeless asteroid. He decides that eternal life would be a curse on this barren asteroid so he swallows fluid from a bottle marked poison in order to end it all, but when he reads through the theft victim's notes, he's shocked to learn that the serum developer hid the serum inside the poison bottle.