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Publisher: Quality Comics
Title: Military Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Humor, Non-fiction, Spy, Superhero, War
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1942
Country: United States
Andre is brought back to Blackhawk Island, to be operated on by the renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Fritz von Rath, who was recently rescued from a concentration camp. Unfortunately for Andre, the doctor, whose mind is still adversely affected from his captivity and because the Germans hold his daughter captive, gives Andre the face of the doctor's former concentration camp commander, Baron von Ziefh! In the end, the doctor fixes Andre's face, and Andre becomes engaged to his daughter, Barbara.; After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Captain Bill Dunn and his partner Jones help out the beleaguered forces of freedom in the Pacific Theater by using the capabilities of the Blue Tracer against Japanese bombers in the South Sea islands, sinking a Japanese destroyer. Dunn shows films of the Japanese brutality to a half-Japanese woman, who later joins the Allied cause.; While on a mission, the Patrol apparently loses another member, King Hotintot, who is quickly replaced by his son.; Courtney "buys" the Brooklyn Bridge and asks Kitch the Witch to move it with her magic to his hometown of Screamin' Ridge, New Jersey.