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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 116
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Satire-parody, Western-frontier
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.75 USD
Cover Date: October 1972
Country: United States
A fictionalized biography of Bob Dylan, who solves pop music problems in his alter-ego as Zimmerman.; What really happened to the Archie gang after high school. Jughead became an alcoholic and doper; Archie flunked out of college, was drafted and sent to Vietnam, where he was shot in the head and eventually died. Veronica had a series of abortions before getting married to a Greek shipping magnate. Betty got married to an abusive hood and is living a promiscuous life in a trailer park in Ohio. Reggie is a big-time executive at CBS after getting to the top by devious methods. Moose went to Vietnam, got his arm blown off, married Midge, and then recorded a patriotic record.; In a parallel world, JFK-mimic Vaughn Meador is assassinated instead of the President.; Beans is held up on his way to the ranch with the payroll.; The boy attends a movie at a run-down theatre and is approached by an overly-friendly gentleman.; A man's wife is having an affair and tries to use an old magic spell to get rid of her husband. It gets rid of the husband's priest instead.; The Aesop Brothers have a problem synchronizing their bathroom habits.; A silly poem about turkeys.; Doctor Colon's Monster, who has been kicked out of his feature, wanders into Chicken Gutz's feature.; The proper method of illustrating a duck and goose.; Rae is captured after discovering a German spy ring.