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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 100
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Biography, Children, Romance, Satire-parody, Western-frontier
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.85 USD
Cover Date: June 1974
Country: United States
George Washington Carver overcomes being born in slavery to invent peanut butter.; Guru Eartheye tries to convince Cheech to start a new religion, but Cheech has other things on his mind.; Weevil is possessed by an angel, but Mr. Duck finds a way to return him to his old depraved self.; The boy is given a $10 bill to go pick up his mother's order at the butcher, but when he gets there he finds he has lost the money.; An explanatory panel says that the cast of "An American Story" was all killed by a fire in their building. As a replacement, an episode of "Diana, the 'Drunk' Fairy" is printed.; Beans is insulted by prickly pear cactuses.; Pepsi kidnaps Elrod for ransom, but Trots complicates matters.; Jill and Steve are in bed. Steve considers getting affectionate, but decides against it.; The difference between a regular animal fart and an endangered species fart.; A comic strip with a final panel that repeats itself three times.; A young veterinarian is on a routine mission to cure night blindness in hens.