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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 116
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Religious, Romance, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: December 1974
Country: United States
The gods have a meeting to decide who gets to choose the next Messiah. It's Jehovah's turn and he does a repeat of the Jesus story. Only this time Bennie David turns into the Son-o'-God when he exclaims "Jesus Christ."; Tommy and his friends visit a local "head shop". Tommy thinks the proprietor is indulging in Satanic merchandise and is proved right at the end.; Cheech and Poppy find a small pyramid and discuss whether pyramids control cosmic powers.; Annie attempts to do her laundry, but Weevil has an attraction for her underwear.; A law is passed sentencing zoo tramps to 60 years in jail. Russian scientists have found a way to transform platypus droppings into plutonium. Judge Jones wants to get married. It all ties together in a roundabout way.; The boy can't decide which comic books to buy and buys candy bars instead.; Chicken Gutz is propositioned on the street by a transvestite.; At an elegant restaurant, a man hides under a table and licks a woman's leg.; Bonnie's house has a elaborate Christmas lighting display, while Pepsi's just has one huge lighted menorah.; Charlene picks up Steve at a supermarket, not knowing who he is, and brings him back to Jill's apartment.; How to draw extinct animals. (It's easier than you'd think.)