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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 116
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Religious, Romance, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: January 1975
Country: United States
A college student gets high (sort of) on marijuana in the early 1960s.; What would happen if the Salvation Army was a real army and made an armed attack on the bums of the Bowery.; A dying boy's wish is to attend the Ice Capades, but when he gets there the ice is melting and the show is ruined.; Cheech dumps the stuffed body of his ex-apprentice in the dump and on the way home finds that an orphan girl has attached herself to him. That night, Doctor Vox and his assistance salvage the body from the dump and re-animate it, with unexpected results.; Earl goes shopping in a crowded grocery store on a Saturday morning.; Mr. Duck corrupts a young female private in the Salvation Army.; Pepsi and Bonnie decide to see if the saying about long fingers equalling a long penis is true.; A teenager takes the boy to the movies.; Rosie gets up early to apply for a manufacturing job.; Chicken Gutz meets an old school chum.; Newcomer Rosemary volunteers to spend the night in the living room.; Example of a cow drawn by a stuttering artist.; Steve and Jill are sleeping together again, but Jill is apprehensive about making love.