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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 108
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Romance, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: February 1975
Country: United States
A parody of Eva Braun's relationship with Adolph Hitler, told from her perspective.; Mr. Duck and Weevil are tramps sitting by railroad tracks. They meet a naive young man who wants to become a vagabond by catching a ride on a moving freight train. He doesn't make it.; Cheech's re-animated ex-apprentice finds him, slugs him with a club, and takes him to the dump to finish him off.; The boy goes to a scary movie and later is afraid when it's time for bed.; Doug Dog is a robot dog who is the perfect pet, except for one flaw--he doesn't like humans.; A French artist gives his opinions of Chicken's Gutz's abstract paintings.; Mr. B. Zeke is prepared to show the movie "The Exciting Truth" when the bulb on his projector burns out.; Jill and Steve discuss the things they do that annoy the other.; The proper way to draw crowds.