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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 100
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Humor, Romance, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: June 1975
Country: United States
A glob of Silly Putty escapes from a laboratory and terrorizes the country as it grows by picking up images of comic characters.; Mr. Duck and Greenhorn are in the front row, watching a stripper.; Trots and Bonnie go to a women's art show and find all the art is sexually-oriented.; Inspector Weatherby does an "audit" of a prostitute and gets infected with crab lice.; The boy has a nightmare about climbing a mountain at summer camp, only to wake up and find he's still at camp.; Jill's mother makes a drunken scene at a wedding reception.